An Angel in Devil’s Boots

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Two long legs clad in black leather stepped out of the side of the cruiser. Pausing briefly they then did what long, strong, shapely legs are very good at doing, which is striding forward purposefully with a measured rhythm.

These were serious legs. Legs that looked as though they should not be messed with. Legs that would be good at flamenco dancing, Kung Fu and the triple jump. They were also very good at being wrapped in tight matt black leather, and standing on top of tough, masculine black boots; the kind of boots worn by people who are very good at kicking in doors, windows and skulls. These were serious boots. And they were tied up with pink bootlaces.

A Hollywood director would have a low tracking shot of these boots and legs, with a narrow depth of field throwing the background out of focus, and perhaps some sort of special effect to give the impression of motion. And they would overdub some rock music with a swaggering cadence. Something with an edge. Not a heavy rock, but not too light either; a welterweight rock with an angel’s rhythm, to show balance, purpose, poise, and precision.

The owner of the boots, legs, leather and laces stopped on the pavement outside a door, and examined a thin flexible digital device that was secured to their forearm.

“This is the place?” A voice you could have spread on hot toast. More a statement than a question.

“Affirmative,” came the electronic reply.

Boots with pink laces image

The Angel of the Circuit Board by Andrew OD Booth is currently being reviewed by the British Science Fiction Association Orbiter Group, and will be published on Amazon Kindle later this year.

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