The Orville
In my quest for comedy Sci Fi, I stumbled across this after a recommendation from a fellow Sci Fi enthusiast. I love a good parody, and to poke a finger at one of my favourites is just the best. Seth McFarlane waves his genius over this series (although I still hear …

Painting your story
Having a front cover designed for your book is probably one of the most exciting bits of the pre-marketing, post-finished-the-thing period. For The Angel of the Circuit Board, I decided that I would splash out and commission a cover from someone who actually knew what they were doing. There are some amazing …

An Angel in Devil’s Boots
Two long legs clad in black leather stepped out of the side of the cruiser. Pausing briefly they then did what long, strong, shapely legs are very good at doing, which is striding forward purposefully with a measured rhythm. These were serious legs. Legs that looked as though they should not …