Big Wheels

Ok, borderline science fiction, but what would you call it when someone always knows, when they call always predict when something is about to go terribly, terribly wrong?

Big Wheels front cover
Big Wheels, by Andrew OD Booth

A roadtrip around the Four Corners of England, without using motorways, in the dead of winter, in the most unreliable car in British postwar motoring history – they must be mad! Contains some profanity and very mild sexual references, but nothing you won’t have heard already. Available in manual-overdrive paperback, or 12 volt e-book. Run on leaded four-star only. Driver’s operation manual available on Ebay.

Ray Singh-Green has a telepathic connection with old cars. If you want to know if your big-end’s about to go, your starter solenoid is about to fry, or your high tension circuit is just too stressed, then she’s your man. Or whatever personal pronoun you wish to use – because she don’t give a sump’s plug.

Leaving behind her greyhound, Gordon Kibble, Ray teams up with Lester Forest-East to enter his Humley Major into the Four Corners of the Apocalypse – just because they said it can’t be done. And does it matter that she’s run away with a married man, twice her age, without her parents knowing? And without her boyfriend, the one from the Marines, finding out?


Practically Sportscars magazine has described The Four Corners of the Apocalypse as the most gruelling classic car event in the world. They also said the Humley Major (that’s the one with four doors, big seventeen-inch wheels, and the weird two point six litre, six cylinder, side-valve engine) is the most unreliable car in British postwar motoring history. When Lester Forrest-East decides to enter his Humley in The Four Corners, he is ridiculed by fellow owners, and accused of bringing the Humley Owners Club into disrepute. Then his wife backs out as his co-driver, and Lester’s entry into The Four Corners, and his status as secretary of the Club is in serious jeopardy. But on the forum, Lester meets Ray Singh-Green, a sixth form student with an uncanny ability to predict when cars are going to break down. Lester agrees for Ray to be his co-driver, and it is only after the rally is well underway, that Lester discovers just how much excess baggage Ray is carrying. And to top it all, someone is planning sabotage.

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